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How to Use the Software "COPYLESS" 본문
You must connect to the internet to use "COPYLESS" software. If you don't, you will see the next warning windows and be unable to start the software.
Click "시작" - "프로그램" - "SnboSoft" - "표절문서검사 시스템"
Then it will check automatically for any updates.
Click "표절문서검사시스템실행"
You should subscribe to the software manufacturer's website
Click "회원가입" or "Subscribe"
A subscription form will appear. You don't have to give your "주민번호". Your ID, password, your name and e-mail address are required. After you log on to the site, the software will start.
In case you want to check one paper at a time, click the second button in the upper bar.
Then its content will be displayed. To check it, click the fourth button.
After a minute, it will show you how much the paper copied other papers.
When a window pops up, select all the files to check and drag and drop to the left window.
If you want to check the reports made previously, open the following folder.
C:\Program Files\SnboSoft\표절 문서 검사 시스템
2009/11/24 - [컴퓨터/컴퓨터일반] - How to Install the Software "Copyless"