
[vba] 셀범위를 html형식으로 변환하여 이메일보내기 본문


[vba] 셀범위를 html형식으로 변환하여 이메일보내기

flogsta 2019. 8. 2. 15:42



출처는 아래에.

Option Explicit

Sub SendEmailWithrRange()
Const olMailItem = 0
Dim rngToSend As Range, r As Range
Dim FileName As String, FileName2 As String
Dim strHtml As String

Set rngToSend = Selection
strHtml = RangeToHTML(rngToSend)
With Sheets("address")
    For Each r In .Range("a1", .Cells(Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp))
        With CreateObject("Outlook.Application").CreateItem(olMailItem)
             .To = r.Value
            .Subject = "Html이메일 테스트"
            .htmlbody = strHtml
        End With
End With
End Sub

Function Tag(sValue As String, sTag As String, Optional sAttr As String = "", Optional bIndent As Boolean = False) As String
    Dim sReturn As String
    If Len(sAttr) > 0 Then
        sAttr = Space(1) & sAttr
    End If
    If bIndent Then
        sValue = vbTab & Replace(sValue, vbNewLine, vbNewLine & vbTab)
        sReturn = "<" & sTag & sAttr & ">" & vbNewLine & sValue & vbNewLine & "</" & sTag & ">"
        sReturn = "<" & sTag & sAttr & ">" & sValue & "</" & sTag & ">"
    End If
    Tag = sReturn
End Function
Public Function RangeToHTML(ByRef rRng As Range) As String
    Dim rRow As Range, rCell As Range
    Dim sTable As String, sTd As String, sHead As String
    Dim aCells() As String, aRows() As String, aAttr() As String, aHead(1 To 2) As String
    Dim lCellCnt As Long, lRowCnt As Long
    Dim lFontSize As Long
    '1. Get the font size of the last cell
    lFontSize = rRng.Cells(rRng.Cells.Count).Font.Size
    ReDim aRows(1 To rRng.Rows.Count)
    '2 create the style in the header
    aHead(1) = "td {font-family:" & rRng.Cells(1).Font.Name & "; font-size: " & lFontSize & "pt}"
    aHead(2) = ".bb {border-bottom: 1px solid black}"
    sHead = Tag(Tag(Join(aHead, vbNewLine), "style", , True), "head", , True)
    '3. Load up a 'cells' array and a 'rows' array FOR joining.
    For Each rRow In rRng.Rows
        lRowCnt = lRowCnt + 1: lCellCnt = 0
        ReDim aCells(1 To rRng.Columns.Count)
        For Each rCell In rRow.Cells
            lCellCnt = lCellCnt + 1
            '4. Deal with empty cells and multi-line cells
            If IsEmpty(rCell.Value) Then
                sTd = "&nbsp;"
                sTd = Replace(rCell.Text, Chr$(10), "<br />")
            End If
            '5. Bold and italic
            If rCell.Font.Bold Then sTd = Tag(sTd, "strong")
            If rCell.Font.Italic Then sTd = Tag(sTd, "em")
            '6. Font size
            If rCell.Font.Size <> lFontSize Then
                sTd = Tag(sTd, "div", "style=font-size:" & rCell.Font.Size & "pt")
            End If
            '7. Setting the cell alignment
            ReDim aAttr(1 To 3)
            aAttr(1) = AlignmentAttr(rCell)
            '8. Span rows and columns for merged  cells
            If rCell.MergeArea.Address <> rCell.Address Then
                aAttr(2) = "COLSPAN=""" & rCell.MergeArea.Columns.Count & """ ROWSPAN=""" & rCell.MergeArea.Rows.Count & """"
            End If
            '9. Bottom border
            If rCell.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle <> xlLineStyleNone Then
                aAttr(3) = "class=""bb"""
            End If
            '10. Make string
            If rCell.MergeArea.Cells(1).Address = rCell.Address Then
                aCells(lCellCnt) = Tag(sTd, "td", Join(aAttr, Space(1)))
            End If
        Next rCell
        aRows(lRowCnt) = Tag(Join(aCells, vbNewLine), "tr", , True)
    Next rRow
    sTable = Tag(Join(aRows, vbNewLine), "table", "cellpadding=""2px""", True)
    RangeToHTML = Tag(sHead & vbNewLine & sTable, "html", , True)
End Function

Public Function AlignmentAttr(ByRef rCell As Range) As String
    Dim sReturn As String
    Select Case True
        Case rCell.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft, (rCell.HorizontalAlignment = 1 And Not IsNumeric(rCell.Value))
            sReturn = "align=""left"""
        Case rCell.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight, (rCell.HorizontalAlignment = 1 And IsNumeric(rCell.Value))
            sReturn = "align=""right"""
        Case rCell.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            sReturn = "align=""center"""
    End Select
    AlignmentAttr = sReturn
End Function






Converting an Excel Range to HTML the Hard Way – Daily Dose of Excel

Every time I write a RangeToHTML function, it’s different. I don’t re-use my old functions because the HTML elements that I care about change from project to project. I could make a generic RangeToHTML function that attempts to capture every possible cell
